
Nationaal Sustainability Congres 2023

donderdag 23 november 2023 , 8:30 - 17:30 uur

Op 23 november vindt het nationale sustainability congres plaats in Congrescentrum 1931 in Den Bosch. Ben jij erbij? 

Met onder andere om 09.15 uur - Opening door dagvoorzitter Jeroen Smit en Kiki Boree

Jeroen Smit | Dagvoorzitter, onderzoeksjournalist en bestsellerauteur van ‘Het drama Ahold – ijdelheid en hebzucht aan de top’, De prooi – blinde trots breekt ABN AMRO’ en ‘Het grote gevecht – & het eenzame gelijk van Paul Polman’
Kiki Boreel | Klimaatambassadeur van de Toekomst & Sustainable Fashion Expert

Om 09.30 uur - From ambition towards transition: a society that centers around people, climate and nature. Each new research report confirms the urgency of our sustainable development goals. Not only in terms of climate, environment and living environment, but also in terms of health, education, safety, (social) equality and social cohesion. Fortunately, there is a lot of willingness to get started with this, but we need to increase ambition and immediate action. The world needs to address systemic problems and simultaneously pursue goals that improve human wellbeing, protect nature and tackle climate change. The transition will not be possible if it doesn’t fundamentally benefit people, nor can we curb climate change without safeguarding ecosystems (...) met Stientje van Veldhoven | Vice President and Regional Director Europe, WRI
Om 10.05 uur - From Transition to Transformation: fit for purpose innovation to build the future we need (...) met Dr. Kirsten Dunlop | Chief Executive Officer, EIT Climate-KIC
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Kortingscode: NSC100OUDDLN

Congrescentrum 1931 | Den Bosch
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